​How to help
There are several ways to help our fundraising efforts to support the local Catholic Elementary Schools. A simple donation of any amount is a very effective start. Don't wait for an event, give when you can.

Irish Heritage Classic Golf Outing
The 2018 Irish Heritage Classic will be held on Monday Sept 24th at the Diamond Run Golf Club in Ohio Twp - 132 Laurel Oak Dr. Sewickley, Pa 15143. Shotgun style. Contact Bob Parry 724-933-0427 or Gene Brown 412-916-4142 or parryr@consolidated.net
250 Club
The 250 Club has a few numbers open until the banquet on Feb 17th, 2018 when they'll be sold. Last year the 250 Club raised almost $4,000 to donate to various individuals and groups in need of charitable assistance. Contact Bob Parry @ parryr@consolidated.net
Day of Irish Entertainment
Our annual Day of Irish Entertainment is a great day of family fun enjoying Irish music, dancing, food, drinks, raffles, prizes and games. Monies raised go to operating costs of the Division and to charitable donations to local community organizations and groups. Contact Rick Duffy at rduffy@howardhanna.com
Angel Fund
For the past nine years the Tuition Assistance Fund Committee has held a golf outing to benefit the Angel Fund for eleven Catholic Elementary Schools located in the North Hills/ North Side area including St. Alexis, St. Alphonsus, St. Bonaventure, North Side Catholic, St. James, St. Sebastian, St. Mary, St. Ursula, St. Teresa of Avila, Assumption School and Christ the Divine Teacher. To date we've raised over $25,000 from our Irish Heritage Classic at Diamond Run Golf Club.